Social Responsibility
Let’s set off together with Allied

A tall tree will not forget its roots down below, just as waters always thinking of its sources. While pursuing continuous development, Allied has never forgot the social responsibilities it should undertake. With the motto of "not icing on the cake, but helping people in need" bearing in mind, Allied actively conducts charity behaviors and have been generous to help people in need.

More hands produce a stronger flame . We are looking forward to your join.

chairman: zhang yao hua

In 2007, Allied was founded for three years and made a profit at the beginning. Knowing the difficult teaching environment in Fuquan District, Allied decided to make a modest contribution by donating money to help students. The next year, Allied visited Yuyou primary school in Huangsi Town, Fuquan City, Guizhou Province twice. Long term malnutrition caused the children to be thin and dark, sitting in the dilapidated classroom and reading aloud. They were so eager to learn and eager to know The company immediately decided to donate money to help build hope primary school. From then on, Allied's road of public welfare continued and never stopped.

In the past ten years, we have made efforts to help students

In 2009, in order to better promote the work of public welfare education, under the initiative of Mr. Zhang, the company established the Allied Love Foundation within the company. Since then, the activities have been carried out in an orderly manner every year, and gradually formed the "please come in, & come out" mode. Since 2008, the company has organized teachers and students to come to Shanghai for observation, teaching and training four times. In September 2009, hope primary school "love lunch" project was launched, and the project continued until the national financial allocation was issued in July 2014. In the past six years, it has provided healthy food and basic warmth for the impoverished and hungry children. In July 2010, the theme expo activity of "watching the World Expo, seeing the world, and my future is not a dream" was successfully held, allowing the children in the mountains to experience the World Expo and experience the charm of world culture and science and technology. In June 2011, the first joint education support activity in Guizhou put advanced culture into practice In July 2012, the activity of "hand in hand, strong sense, feeling Shanghai and warm Pujiang River" made children feel the wonderful life in Shanghai, and established friendship across mountains and rivers with Shanghai children. In June 2013, when the "green spring without regret, bring love home" activity was launched, the staff went to the surrounding areas for field investigation and investigation, In July 2014, the "journey of discovery" summer camp let the children appreciate the incomparable charm of Shanghai Museum and science and Technology Museum; in June 2015, Shanghai University once again carried out the "public welfare trip to Guizhou, with a dream of Chinese heart" teaching activities, bringing knowledge and care to the mountains; in July 2016, we organized Allied hope primary school and Allied inspirational class and representatives of Guizhou university students who have been supported by Allied for many years jointly carried out the summer camp activity of "big hand holding small hand, walking on the road of growth"; in July 2017, "ten years of gratitude, you and I go together", Allied senior management, love foundation and Shanghai education support delegation went to Guizhou to investigate the situation of school buildings and listen to the voice of students; in July 2018, "reading a city, achieving the future" The "dream" summer camp once again let students appreciate the unique charm of Shanghai Science and technology and culture center. The unforgettable week trip has planted the seeds of their dreams in their young hearts. In May 2019, the Guizhou Education Support Activity of "bringing sincerity and benefiting the road to Guizhou" opened a window of Science and technology and dreams for children. In June 2020, Shanghai and Guizhou were leading the way to meet the "online class" The love between the two places can't be stopped.

In 2013, the foundation noticed a special group of students in Fuquan, Guizhou Province. They mainly come from poor rural families in remote areas. In order to make the excellent students get better education resources, the company signed a contract with Fuquan No.2 Middle School to set up "Allied inspirational class", which subsidizes the inspirational class students every year for living allowance, making school uniforms and purchasing learning materials, It has solved their worries.

Children are the hope of the country's future, and college students are the pillars of the country's future. In October 2012, the company signed a contract with Shanghai University to set up the "Allied grant" to provide education assistance for poor college students, so that they can concentrate on their studies, and at the same time, they will be encouraged to join the volunteer action of helping students in Guizhou. They are not only the beneficiaries of public welfare education, but also the benefactors of Guizhou's aid education. They are the best example for children. With their participation, Allied's road of aiding students will continue.


Donated money to build "Shanghai Allied hope primary school" in Yuyou village, Huangsi Town, Fuquan City, Guizhou Province


"Shanghai Allied love foundation" established. Shanghai Allied hope primary school "love lunch" project launched


Held the theme activity of "watching the World Expo, seeing the world, my future is not a dream"


Carry out the first joint educational support activities in Guizhou in 2011


Held the theme activity of "hand in hand, strong sense, feeling Shanghai, warm Pujiang River"


Signing contract with Shanghai University to set up "Allied grant"


To carry out the "green spring without regret, bring love home" activity


"Discovery Tour" Summer Camp, Signing contract with Fuquan No.2 Middle School to set up "Allied inspirational class"


To carry out the "public welfare trip to Guizhou, with a dream of Chinese heart" support education activities


Held the summer camp of "big hand holding small hand, growing up on the road"


To carry out the "ten years of gratitude, you and I together" teaching activities


The fifth anniversary of Shanghai University's funding for "donating money to help students · Deze Liufang" in 2018


Hold "reading a city, achieving future dream" Summer Camp


In 2019, we will carry out the education support activities of "bringing sincerity and bringing benefits to Guizhou"


We will hold the activity of "leading Shanghai and Guizhou, meeting the cloud classroom"


Holding the "Guizhou Heart and Virtue, Creating and Gathering the Future" event

A long way to go

Looking back on Allied's more than ten years of aid, he has taken a solid and steady step. Over the years, more than 5 million donations have been made and thousands of students have been helped.

Under the call and guidance of chairman Zhang Yaohua and the love foundation, Allied's team of public welfare students is becoming larger and larger. People gather together to offer ideas and suggestions. All caring people hope to contribute to the establishment of a "harmonious, grateful and dedicated" beautiful society.

Allied people always firmly believe that children are the future we protect, and their dreams are the hope of our Chinese nation. Only by bravely taking social responsibility and giving back to the society with the love of dedication, can we transmit full of warmth and positive energy, and make the world a better place!

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